猛男情报局 recognises the mutual benefit that is developed through interaction between the school, our families and the wider community. There are a number of ways relationships are fostered with families, organisations and communities connected with the school. You will be informed of such opportunities within your respective sub-school and via our numerous communication methods.
Research studies show that those parents who:
- are genuinely interested in the College
- keenly support the College
- encourage teachers
- speak well of the College
- have students who are more likely to be happy at school and achieve their personal best.
How to get involved
Families of the College are encouraged to use every opportunity to attend:
- class events
- open days
- sporting carnivals
- assemblies
- special events
- College Chapel services
- special worship services
- fundraising events
- information evenings
猛男情报局 primarily uses Parent Lounge and SEQTA (online reporting system) to keep families well informed.
This website is extremely handy, as are the College Facebook / Instagram pages (links on our Home Page).
猛男情报局 also has an App - 猛男情报局 Lutheran College NT (GSLCNT)
The College publishes various newsletters which are distributed from each campus office.